If you’re attending a baby shower, you have the opportunity to shower the new mother with gifts for the newest member to her family. If you’re going to a baby shower with a Christian theme, you may be wondering if you have to buy a specific type of gift. The good news is that Christian or not, babies need many of the same things, including diapers, blankets, socks and sleepers. In general, you’ll want to choose prints that aren’t offensive to the values of the expectant couple. But there are some baby shower gifts with a decidedly Christian theme that you might want to consider as a part of your gift.
A Christian child usually receives a Bible at his or her christening or baptism, usually a white bible to commemorate the occasion. So instead of choosing a traditional baptism Bible, consider giving a children’s story Bible – perhaps one designed to be read aloud. There are also a number of beginner and children’s Bibles you can choose from. Many religious bookstores also sell CDs of Christian lullabies and Christian music for children that also make wonderful shower gifts.

Religious jewelry may also be appropriate, from a cross necklace or bracelet or, if the expectant mom is Catholic, a rosary. Also consider a charm for a charm bracelet. Guardian angels are a popular theme for Christian baby shower gifts. You can also purchase guardian angel prints, blankets or other decorative elements. Jewelry or keepsake boxes are often decorated with religious symbols and make great baby shower gifts. You might also purchase a cross or other religious themed artwork to adorn the nursery wall. Consider also other symbols of the Christian faith, including the shamrock, doves, crowns, lambs and grapes.
If you knit, crochet, embroider, quilt or sew, you might also consider making a prayer blanket for the new baby. These prayer blankets – cousins of the popular prayer shawls – are made by people who are actively praying for the recipient during the making of the item. According to the belief, the finished product carries with it their prayers and good wishes. You can include charms that further show your hopes for the child – just be sure they’re removable so the blanket can be washed and so that it doesn’t present a choking hazard.
Or, if you’re handy with scrapbooking or drawing, you might want to prepare a religious-themed baby book for the parents-to-be or give them a picture frame with a Christian-themed mat you’ve decorated. If you know calligraphy, you could also have a memorable Bible verse written on the frame.
In addition, there are vendors who sell Christian birth certificates. If the baby shower is held before the baby’s birth when detailed information isn’t available, consider giving the expectant couple information about the certificate with a note that it will be delivered after the baby’s birth.
And when it comes to toys, you’ll find that there are a number of different toys with Christian themes. For example, there are Noah’s Ark toys, toy lambs and toy angels. There are a number of toys that even recite prayers for the child to learn.
Finally, another meaningful gift for a Christian baby shower is to make a gift in the baby’s honor to the parents’ church or in support of one of their favorite charities. They’ll certainly appreciate the thought that went into your contribution.